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At Opus Mind we are acutely aware of the massive social, economic, and environmental challenges facing humanity and we are equally aware of the huge impact the fashion industry is having on our planet and its people. Since our inception, we have been committed to making a difference in an industry that is ready for change. We believe in transparency, caring for and respecting all people in our supply chain and ensuring that the health of our beautiful planet is at the forefront of every decision we make. As we grow we pledge to stay true to these founding values and to use our growth to have an even greater impact on our industry.

Sustainability is an inbuilt mindset, culture and lifestyle, for us, it is the heart of the company. The core of all design is problem solving and fashion is no exception. We believe it is time to problem solve our way to an industry that we are proud to be a part of. An industry in which fair working conditions, legitimate living wages, and eco and ethical production are all the norm. We believe these should not be championed values but values that all businesses are built upon. We are endlessly optimistic about the future and fiercely determined to create change.






Stay Tuned For Our Finished Page About Our Sustainability Approach!


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